With over twenty-five years of experience across Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, Extent Heritage is an industry leader in archaeological assessment, investigation and management.

Our team’s skills include both archaeological fieldwork (survey, excavation, site avoidance and stakeholder engagement) and desktop inputs (GIS mapping, historical research, predictive modelling, artefact analysis and reporting). Extent Heritage provides clients with high-level strategic planning advice, including due diligence studies. We liaise with regulatory authorities to secure appropriate consents and ensure compliance with conditions of approval. Our services include heritage interpretation advice and artefact conservation.

Extent Heritage has specialist skills in the archaeology of military sites, cemeteries and the forensic investigation of recent mass burials.

We are proud of our commitment to occupational health and safety. Extent Heritage has a stringent HSE management system developed specifically for archaeological site work in rural, remote, and urban areas that complies with Australian and international standards including: AS/NZS 4801:2001, ISO 14001:2004, and ISO 31000:2009.