Extent Heritage responds to the complex interplay between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’, understanding the inter-connectedness that can exist between our heritage places – from songlines to streetscapes.
Our built heritage specialists, archaeologists and anthropologists work with communities to identify and manage layered and complex landscapes within town planning, urban design, archaeological and native title contexts.
Extent Heritage designed a database of 'attributes' illustrating the potential Outstanding Universal Value of the KTOSR. The database formed a critical part of our report which presented practical recommendations to progress any future nomination.
The managers of the TWWHA are now well-placed to implement culturally sensitive management regimes that meet the needs and expectations of Aboriginal communities, the Tasmanian State Government, ICOMOS, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and the World Heritage Committee.
The City of Yarra may be the municipality that has the most legislative heritage protection in Victoria, with some 70 percent of of the municipality under heritage overlay.