Kingston & Arthurs Vale Historic Area, Norfolk Island


Client: The Australian Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities

The project

Extent Heritage was engaged by the Australian government to prepare an archaeological zoning and management plan (AZMP) for known and potential archaeological resources within the Kingston and Arthurs Vale Historic Area (KAVHA), Norfolk Island. KAVHA is one of eleven properties that comprise the Australian Convict Sites serial listing on the World Heritage List, and is formally recognised and protected at the world, national, Commonwealth, and territory (local) level.

Value Unlocked

Extent Heritage provided the managers of the KAVHA with a clear and practical decision-making tool. It characterises the KAVHA according to assessed levels of archaeological potential and significance, which will assist managers to identify and respond to constraints and opportunities associated with Norfolk Island’s rich archaeology. This is an important part of master planning for the heritage area, and critical to the Australian government effectively meeting its obligations under the World Heritage Convention 1972. Importantly, Extent Heritage worked closely with stakeholders, management and the local community, to ensure that their concerns and aspirations were heard and responded to.


Services Provided