Heathcote Road Heritage Interpretation Strategy and Interpretation Plan



Client: SMEC Australia Pty Ltd, on behalf of Roads and Maritime Services

The Project

Extent Heritage was commissioned to prepare a heritage interpretation strategy followed by a heritage interpretation plan for the Heathcote Road upgrade in Sydney’s south-west. The aim of the project was to utilise new surfaces and footpaths created by the project to communicate the highly significant Holsworthy to Liverpool Military Railway, which is still identifiable as tangible remains within the road corridor.

Our Role

Extent Heritage led the preparation of both interpretation documents, as well as the graphic design content for signage, noise walls, and anti-throw screens. In addition, Aboriginal heritage consultation was undertaken for an Aboriginal artwork to be integrated into the project.

Value Unlocked

Prior to this project, there was very little information available along the existing footpaths about the history and significance of the place. This project will give the local community more context on the significance of the place in which they live, in particular the intact military railway bridge on Harris Creek.