Working together through COVID-19

Updated Monday August 17, 2020

Coronavirus/Covid-19 and Extents ability to service projects

Extent Heritage takes the health and safety of clients and staff as a matter of the highest import. During the current coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak, Extent is monitoring the situation and has put measures into place to ensure our work can continue. We will be able to service your project under the current government health guidelines and regulations and will inform you if any changes occur to those requirements which may impact our ability to service projects.

Please note that:

  • Our NSW, WA and QLD offices remain open for operations with staff working remotely and in the offices;

  • Our Victorian premises are currently closed with all Victorian staff remotely working on projects except for permitted environmental and safety compliance work on permitted construction sites;

  • Extent’s Safe Work Method Statements have been updated to include measures to mitigate health risks from Covid-19;

  • Wherever possible, work will be undertaken via desktop analysis, and all staff or client meetings will be undertaken via voice or video call;

  • On site works will include appropriate health and safety measures and Extent has an adequate supply of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to undertake site works.

 We believe the measures we have put in place will allow us to continue to service your project with minimal disruption. If you have specific requirements or questions, please contact us.

We wish everyone all the best of health. Working together and caring for each other is the focus of everyone here at Extent.

Please contact us for assistance with any of your heritage project requirements!

Sydney: 02 9555 4000

Melbourne: 03 9388 0622

Perth: 08 9381 5206

Brisbane: 07 3051 0171

Requests for quotation or tenders can be emailed to:

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